Fresh out of the microblading process I am here to tell you all about my experience, and what you need to know! Microblading is something that I have considered doing for a while as naturally I have extremely light blonde eyebrows. Microblading is a freehand semi-permanent tattoo using a microblade to create hair-like strokes. It lasts anywhere from 1-3 years, varies depending on your skin and lifestyle. For me this was a perfect, as over time your face changes as do styles.

Once I decided to move forward with microblading, I did a lot of research to find out what the process entails, talked to people who have experienced the service, and found an artist that had the results I was looking for. I believe finding an artist that embodies the shape and results you want to achieve is key. Just because someone is certified doesn’t mean they have the skill to draw a perfect brow on your face, it really is a true art.
I reached out to Aston from Aston Galloway Artistry after viewing her microblading transformations and taking a deep dive through her website. These are extremely important steps, you need to do your due diligence here! Make sure who you choose will work with you until you have the results you want. I think this is imperative when choosing your aesthetician, you need to have a voice, speak up, and come prepared with images of what you are looking to achieve.
The process:
On the day of my consultation, and initial appointment I came prepared with images of the results I was looking for. We discussed the process, and what I was expecting to achieve. My end goal was to have darker, slightly fuller eyebrows that looked very natural. I don’t wear make up everyday so I didn’t want to appear to have just have it on my brows when this was the case.

The first thing done is they draw the shape of your brows. I was so impressed how Aston was able to freehand everything, we would go back and forth making small adjustments until I was thrilled with the shape on both sides. Be sure to look at your face on all angles and in natural lighting if possible.
Prior to this I have never had my eyebrows professionally waxed, plucked or tamed in anyway. They are so light, and fine I honestly only need to pluck them once a year! I also have extremely sensitive eyes that water like crazy in any instance something is close to them or if I’m in sunlight. So to say I was a bit nervous of how it was going to feel was an understatement.

Aston was trained originally through beauty mark brows, then through PhiBrows which recommend not to use liodocane through the first pass of strokes for best pigment retention, and to yield the most natural results. The numbing cream was readily available throughout the rest of the process if needed. I did NOT hurt, was just slightly uncomfortable, and is an odd sound. I did not need the numbing cream throughout my whole process.

A tiny blade is used to create hair like strokes and then pigment is set in these strokes. Creating a super natural brow. Once all strokes are completed pigment is spread over the newly created strokes for about 5-10 min, and then wiped clean. How they look right after this is pretty close to your end result.

We did a dry heal after this after this initial appointment (but did an alternative method the next time around that worked better for my skin mentioned below). With the dry healing, after the first day of using the ointment every hour, you do not get them wet or touch them for 10 days. After the third day (or so) they darken due to the healing, then they get lighter, lastly the pigment pulls to the top and you have your end result 4-6 weeks post service.
Day 1

Day 2

2 weeks post initial appointment (you can see here some of the healing scabs coming off)
3 weeks post initial appointment
4 weeks post initial appointment
Microblading service will always entail at least one touch up appointment. I went back for my touch up 4 weeks post my initial appointment. It took only about an hour and half to go over the strokes where the pigment didn’t retain during the healing process. This time around we tried a different healing process. Ointment, wash, then reapply ointment every hour the first day (not while sleeping). After day one, apply ointment throughout the day when they start to look dry throughout the rest of the week and just leave them be otherwise. This worked much better for me the pigment and strokes healed much better.
day 1 first touch up

1 week post first touch up

three weeks post first touch up

I ended up needing a second touch up, keep in mind everyones skin is different and will yield different results. Make sure that upfront you are aware on whether or not touch-ups are included in your initial cost, and up to how many. This appointment was hardly an hour and just really finalizing any area with a very few amount of strokes.
Final results

I am so thrilled with my results, it makes such a difference to wake up and have perfect brows! I plan to go once a year for a touch-up to keep them looking fresh and un-faded. Aston is amazing if you are local, she can not come more highly recommended (use code UPSTATEMAMA for 10% off your microblading service with Aston)! Be sure to follow her instagram and facebook page as she is know to do a few specials throughout the year, and just held a microblading service giveaway!

If you have any questions on my experience or microblading in general please ask them below and I will get back to you (with the help of Aston if required)!